Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Jewelry Design Portfolio (+ what I did on July 4th)

Hello guys, How was your 4th of July?

      I was going to go to the military base and eat food from the stands they set up and watch the fireworks display they do every year, so I was going to bring my boyfriend since he's never been to the base. I told him to bring some sort of ID so he brought the card you use to vote... No idea what's the proper word for it (lol I'm so grown up) Apparently even though he's a minor he needs a proper ID (like driver's licence) to be able to go in, so we ended up not doing the whole military base thing. It was kind of a bummer, but whatevs! We ended up watching the fireworks right outside the base then took a drive around Condado (it's a seaside community full of nightlife and super expensive, beautiful apartments and hotels and such) We had a super fun time in the end :)

So I thought you guys should see why I'm going to New York to study and what got me into the college of my dreams, my portfolio. I started this portfolio when I was 16, almost 17 years old, so I had been working towards this dream for a long time. My passion is working with wax and casting my pieces in silver, although I do work with copper sheets as well. So without further ado here are my pieces (in the order I made them) :

This is one of my first ever designs made real. It took over 9 hours to make.

This is the first pendant I had ever made by carving wax.
Finger armor ring (and yes, that's a ring on the ring :P)
Skull pendant
Hand-cut copper owl with crystal green eyes.
 I'm so glad all those hours of hard work paid off! I've been dreaming of going to college to study Jewelry Design ever since I first started making jewelry 9 or 10 years ago (when I was in 3rd grade). I've grown so much in my designs and I'm so proud of myself for getting this far in my skills at my age.

Hope you guys like my designs~
xoxo Aleks

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Online Shopping Spree~!

D'Lilac - Lime Crime
So the other day Lime Crime cosmetics had this flash 24 hour sale where if you liked their Facebook page you'd get a code you could redeem for a 35% discount off your entire purchase! I didn't even think twice and I took this as an opportunity to finally get their beautiful lilac lipstick called D'Lilac (maybe you saw it on my wishlist ) But seeing as I wasn't about to pay so much shipping for just one lipstick, I got another one!

Cosmopop - Lime Crime
This one is called Cosmopop! I'd actually been talking to my mom about how I wanted a peachy or creamy orange colored lipstick but couldn't find any. All the ones I had seen were too pink for my taste. I love how this one kind of looks like orange sherbert, mmm! Can't wait to receive them! I've never tried their products before so I'm excited to see if they really are as opaque as people say they are.

Lana - Jeffrey Campbell
One last thing I've been wanting to buy for a long time (and when I say long, I mean years) is my first pair of designer shoes. I've been saving money for a while and thought I'd count how much I have and I have enough for a pair of shoes I've wanted for a long time: a pair of Jeffrey Campbell Litas! BUT when I went to buy them, another pair caught my eye. His Lana platform boots in Black Leather. I love how he describes them as "Lita's kid sister" haha, so cute~ It was a hard decision to make, but the Lana platforms are on sale, so it ended up being the obvious decision. What? I can't resist a sale (especially when it saves me $70!).

I'm so excited to receive everything. When I do I'll make sure to take pictures and make quality reviews *cough* crappySephoraLipstickReview *cough*

Wow I wrote a lot, hope you enjoyed. Bye Bye!

P.S. Follow my blog with Bloglovin'~!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Found out my dorm room + met roommate today~!

Ahh, the magic that is the Internet!

So at midnight I got a notification in my college e-mail that I had finally been assigned a roommate so I mozied on over to the Housing link and her name popped up! They gave me her full name so I looked her up in Facebook and found her, then minutes later we were already chatting. I'm still amazed how within seconds I was talking to my future roommate who is a sea and several states away... Weird how the Internet makes the world feel like the smallest place.

floor plan!
I also found out where I'll be staying! I can't see my exact room, but here's the floor plan of the typical dorm room in the hall I'm staying at. I love it! The dotted line represents a room divider, so we can have privacy whenever we want/need it. I start moving in on August 20th and since my last name starts with an A I get to move into my room before my roommate so I get to pick the side I want! I also heard that the closet space is decent, which is a perk I didn't think I'd have. Now I'm starting to get truly excited!

Any of you in my same situation (dorming, meeting new roommate(s) etc..)?

Sunday, June 26, 2011

18th Birthday ootd: part deux

This is what I ended up wearing on my birthday because of the heat!!! :P

Thursday, June 23, 2011

NYC Flashback: Summer 2010

So I know there's a looong time left before I leave to NYC, but what's a blog about NYC without at least a few pictures?

I just found some pictures from my trip to NYC last summer! I even have some video but that's a bit harder to put here, but I'll see what I can do! ;D

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Halleluya!! Finished registering for my college classes! (Tips for future freshman)

Hi Hi!

So I've been spending the last 2 days registering for my classes, and let me tell you that my schedule is super crazy! Since I'm doing an associates degree in Jewelry Design, I take a bunch of core classes right away. Originally I had a total of 11 classes!!! wtf!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

So good to be back! (Plus a super brief Sephora lipstick review!)

Hello! Looooong time, no update :)

So finally, after about a month, I got my internet back at home! It's been such a drag here at home without it! Trying to catch up on my favorite blogs' posts and reading e-mails and seeing what my ex-classmates are up to this summer etc etc

So I know I promised an update on my grad dress and prom dress but I have to edit the pictures, so that'll take just 1 or 2 more days. I do however have some news! My 18th birthday is this friday! I'm excited because that's just a step closer to receiving more independence in my life plus it also means I'm that much closer to moving to NYC, which is probably what passerbys of my blog are waiting for :P
So I'd been dying for the longest time to buy myself a tube of jet black lipstick. Finally, after a little hunting, I found one at Sephora! It's Rouge Artist Intense lipstick #50.

This lipstick takes a little extra pressure than regular lipsticks to get true black color. That kinda ticked me off a little but whatevs! I really did like it though. It's not really moisturizing but it doesn't dry my lips either so that's good.

As you can tell by the picture: the problem I have with the lipstick is if my lips are even remotely chapped, the color will start to come out of the little cracks. Not to mention when I tried to put gloss over it, the lipstick came off kind of easily!

All in all I still like this lipstick, also good black lipstick is fairly hard to find so I'll just make do with this one :)

Sorry if this review sucked, it was super quick since I was excited to show you guys right away :P Here's a great review I found though from Temptalia!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Official hiatus (sorry!)

Sorry I've been out for about a week, or more! The thing is that I have lost the internet connection at home for some mysteriously flippin' reason! grrr!

I will not be able to make any official posts for a while but here's a mini-update on what's been going on in my life :)
  1. Graduated high school last Saturday! (picture of my graduation dress coming soon!)
  2. Prom next week (picture of my beautiful prom dress after prom coming soon as well!)
  3. Loooots of shopping (will take pics of my buys)
  4. Updating this from my hotel room! (Staying at Embassy Suites because of my brother's 9th grade graduation/ prom trip.)
If you want to keep up with me in the meantime while my internet gets sorted out, follow my twitter! (I update from my phone)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ears (re)Pierced and Shopping!

 So this week has been super slow for me. It's been raining like craaaazy so I've had to stay in and I couldn't go to the beach fml. This week my brother and I graduate! (Me from 12th grade and him from 9th) My brother hadn't gotten his outfit yet so we went to the mall I tagged along, haha!
So yeh, I got lots of super cute stuff!:

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Last day using a school uniform :)

The Day I'd been waiting for 12 years!

in gif-form nontheless!
(excuse the mess that is my dresser :S)
In other school-related news, I got 100% A on my Social Sciences final! This has been such a great way to end my high school career :') So what's next? Beach tomorrow!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Aced today's Pre-Calc final and I've started a new pastel drawing.

So today was my math final and guess what? I got 100% A!!! So unexpected! It's the first time in a few years that I get a perfect score on a math test so I'm pretty stoked ;D (don't ask about the spanish final -__-) All that is left now is tomorrow's Environmental Science exam and I'm done!

In other news, I started a new pastel drawing last Saturday (first time using pastels ever!) I'm pleased with how it's turning out except for her face, grrr.

Nude girl on your screen! ;)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

2 Days left of High School already?

The next 2 days are the very last days of my high school career (cue confetti!!) So today I'm spending the evening reviewing mathematical deduction and La Casa de Bernarda Alba (spanish test).

I can't believe 12 years of routine and uniforms are almost over! I swear, it seems it was just yesterday that I looked like this:
lolol, lookit baby Aleks c:
Next thing I know I'm at NY visiting a (gasp) college campus:

That's an official art major right there.
I can't wait to move out to NY. It was so fun being there last summer, I can't imagine the good times I'll have while living there!

Well, my time's up. Gotta get back to studying so I can actually pass the finals and graduate x]


Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fantasy is about to become a reality...

It seems only a year ago I was finishing up my portfolio and terrified that I would not get into the college of my choice the only collegeI applied to ^__^;;  Now look at me here, writing the first post that will track the start of a new chapter in my life!

Here's a little background info! I'm currently 17 years old and got accepted into a world-renowned design school in New York City. I'll be moving there in August, the first time I'll ever be away from home for any time longer than a few days. I'm both nervous and excited. I've always been tied down at home, never had many friends so I've mostly stayed in. Not to mention the island I live on has nothing to do!!! I can't wait to make friends, got out and study what I love. Jewelry Design.

I hope this blog turns into something nice and I hope people join me on my adventure that is coming up.