Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My Jewelry Design Portfolio (+ what I did on July 4th)

Hello guys, How was your 4th of July?

      I was going to go to the military base and eat food from the stands they set up and watch the fireworks display they do every year, so I was going to bring my boyfriend since he's never been to the base. I told him to bring some sort of ID so he brought the card you use to vote... No idea what's the proper word for it (lol I'm so grown up) Apparently even though he's a minor he needs a proper ID (like driver's licence) to be able to go in, so we ended up not doing the whole military base thing. It was kind of a bummer, but whatevs! We ended up watching the fireworks right outside the base then took a drive around Condado (it's a seaside community full of nightlife and super expensive, beautiful apartments and hotels and such) We had a super fun time in the end :)

So I thought you guys should see why I'm going to New York to study and what got me into the college of my dreams, my portfolio. I started this portfolio when I was 16, almost 17 years old, so I had been working towards this dream for a long time. My passion is working with wax and casting my pieces in silver, although I do work with copper sheets as well. So without further ado here are my pieces (in the order I made them) :

This is one of my first ever designs made real. It took over 9 hours to make.

This is the first pendant I had ever made by carving wax.
Finger armor ring (and yes, that's a ring on the ring :P)
Skull pendant
Hand-cut copper owl with crystal green eyes.
 I'm so glad all those hours of hard work paid off! I've been dreaming of going to college to study Jewelry Design ever since I first started making jewelry 9 or 10 years ago (when I was in 3rd grade). I've grown so much in my designs and I'm so proud of myself for getting this far in my skills at my age.

Hope you guys like my designs~
xoxo Aleks

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