Saturday, May 14, 2011

Fantasy is about to become a reality...

It seems only a year ago I was finishing up my portfolio and terrified that I would not get into the college of my choice the only collegeI applied to ^__^;;  Now look at me here, writing the first post that will track the start of a new chapter in my life!

Here's a little background info! I'm currently 17 years old and got accepted into a world-renowned design school in New York City. I'll be moving there in August, the first time I'll ever be away from home for any time longer than a few days. I'm both nervous and excited. I've always been tied down at home, never had many friends so I've mostly stayed in. Not to mention the island I live on has nothing to do!!! I can't wait to make friends, got out and study what I love. Jewelry Design.

I hope this blog turns into something nice and I hope people join me on my adventure that is coming up.

1 comment:

  1. hey!

    i can't wait to read your adventures in ny.
    i found you through tumblr. :)

    one of my life goal is to live in ny for some time!
