Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Halleluya!! Finished registering for my college classes! (Tips for future freshman)

Hi Hi!

So I've been spending the last 2 days registering for my classes, and let me tell you that my schedule is super crazy! Since I'm doing an associates degree in Jewelry Design, I take a bunch of core classes right away. Originally I had a total of 11 classes!!! wtf!
I called the school and was like "Is that normal?!?!" They told me that typically yes that is normal but could drop 2 liberal arts classes if it made me comfortable and take them at a later time (like summer or winter, and hell yeah I'm doin that!). So finally I can breathe a sigh of relief and say that I am finally registered!

This is a snapshot of my original schedule (click to see a bigger image).
Understand why I was freaking out?
I ended up eliminating that last class on Mondays (Aerobics, lol) and the Saturday class (Macroeconomics, blech!!!)

So after this whole ordeal I endured throughout these 2 days has taught me a few things that I hope will be of some use to future college freshman.

College Registration Tips
  1. If you have the option to register online, DO IT. It makes everything sooo much faster and easier.
  2. Make sure to mark registration days on your calendar, make a reminder on your phone SOMETHING. The dates they give you are usually the days for priority registration which is golden.
  3. Read instructions when registering very thoroughly. Some things can't be undone and you definitely don't want that.
  4. Colleges usually will have a number to call to if you need help with your registration, it's usually called like an "Advisement hotline" or something along those lines. If it sends you to voicemail or you get a busy tone KEEP CALLING and/or leave a message with your phone number, name and issue. I called a billion times until they picked up and they helped me with the process sooo much!
  5. Last but not least, even though you're a young adult and are probably going through this process alone, remember you can definitely still ask mom, dad, guardian etc. for help. I had to go to my mom for help because I was so overwhelmed with the process and we called the advisement hotline together, it definitely made me feel better.
Those are the things I learned on my own with this and I really do wish someone had told me these things beforehand, so I hope they are of some help to some other freshman in the future. ^__^
    xoxo Aleks

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